We have multiple control panels for all customers to control their web hosting account. Here we list all Plesk Features that will help you manage your hosting account. Plesk is a secure platform and has been in the hosting business for a long time.
Use Plesk to create mail accounts, autoresponders, forwarders and mailing lists. You can also utilize the Plesk mail migration to import your mail from another provider.
Use Plesk to password protect directories, Add SSL, add Web Application Firewall rules to restrict access.
Identifying your site will be easy with the DNS Settings. You will be able to set up sub domains and forwarding domains to point visitors in the right direction.
Who doesn’t need Apps! Softaculous is our third-party software for help building your site as robust and dynamic as possible. Use addons for eCommerce, guest books, bulletin boards, and even blogs.
Use the File Manager interface to manage your files. This feature allows you to upload, create, remove, and edit files without the need for FTP or other third-party applications.
Use the Directory Privacy interface to limit access to certain resources on your website. Enable this feature to password-protect specific directories that you do not want to allow visitors to access.
Use the Disk Usage interface to scan your disk and view a graphical overview of your account’s available space. This feature can help you to manage your disk space usage.
Use the FTP Accounts interface to manage File Transfer Protocol (FTP) accounts.
Use the backup manager to create system snapshots of your website, databases, offline files, and email. Backup off site to FTPS servers outside for redundancy.
phpMyAdmin is a third-party tool that you can use to manipulate MySQL databases. For more information about how to use phpMyAdmin, visit the phpMyAdmin website.
Import or Export an SQL file to/from the SQL server for easier management.
Use the copy function to clone MySQL databases to new database names or existing databases.
Check and repair the database for broken tables or structures and automatically resolves them.
Use the MySQL Database Wizard interface to manage large amounts of information on your websites with a step-by-step guide. Many web-based applications (for example, bulletin boards, content management systems, and online retail shops) require database access.
To simultaneously create a database and the account that will access it, use the PostgreSQL Database Wizard interface. Many web-based applications (for example, bulletin boards, content management systems, and online retail shops) require database access.
Warning: Some versions of PostgreSQL are ANSI SQL-92 compliant and do not support recursive grants, wildcard grants, or future grants. To allow multiple users to access your PostgreSQL tables, click Synchronize Grants in this interface after you add a table.
Use the Domains interface to create and manage multiple domains for your account.
Use the Sub Domains interface to add more domains to your account. Each addon domain possesses its own files and will appear as a separate website to your visitors.
Use the Aliases interface to create domain aliases. Domain Aliases allow you to point additional domain names to your account’s existing domains. This allows users to reach your website if they enter the pointed domain URL in their browsers.
Use a domain and redirect it to another domain. The redirects option make a specific webpage redirect to another webpage and display its contents. This allows users to access a page with a long URL through a page with shorter, more memorable URL.
Use the Zone Editor interface to add, edit, and remove A, AAAA, CNAME, SRV, MX, and TXT DNS records.
Use the Email Accounts interface to manage the email account for your domains.
Use the Forwarders interface to allow you to forward any incoming email from one address to another. For example, if your cPanel account owns both joe@example.com and joseph@example.com, you could forward joe@example.com to joseph@example.com and eliminate the need to check both accounts.
Use the Spam Filters interface to configure Apache SpamAssassin™, an anti-spam platform with the ability to filter, identify, classify, and block unsolicited bulk emails.
Allow or deny specific addresses or domains directly in the control panel.
Use the Email Disk Usage interface to view all of your mailboxes and quickly remove old emails or large messages.
Use the Mailing Lists interface to create a single email address to send email to multiple email addresses.
Use the Outgoing Mail Control to monitor outgoing mail from your domain that may be sending higher than normal emails. This is a good tool for checking accounts for sending spam.
Use the Autoresponders interface to send automated emails to anyone who sends mail to a specific email account. You may wish to use this feature if, for example, you are on vacation, are unavailable, or have a generic message that you wish to send from a support email address.
You may also control the amount of outgoing messages by selecting a certain number per hour.
For accounts that are not created, you may redirect them to a single mailbox, forward to an address or bounce with a specific message.
Use the Statistics to view traffic metrics like web space, database space used, etc.
Use the File Manager interface to view the raw log files for your site.
Use the detailed overview to see detailed page views. AWStats is a third-party program that produces visual statistics about visitors to your site.
Use the Visitors interface to view the most recent entries in the Apache log for a given domain.
Use the Bandwidth interface to view your site’s monthly and overall bandwidth usage.
Use the SSH Access interface to securely connect to your sever remotely through the command line.
Allow or deny suspicious HTTP requests to your website.
Use the SSL/TLS interface to manage SSL/TLS keys, certificates, and signing requests, and to enhance your website’s security.
Use the Two-Factor Authentication interface to configure an improved security measure that requires two forms of identification to log in. If you disable this feature, you must also remove any existing 2FA user configurations.
Use the MultiPHP Manager interface to easily manage the PHP configuration of your accounts.
Use the MultiPHP INI Editor interface to configure your PHP settings.
Use the Cron Jobs interface to automate certain commands or scripts on your site to run at a specific time. For example, you could set a cron job to delete temporary files every week to free up disk space.
Use the Indexes interface to customize the way in which directories display when a visitor attempts to access them. Typically, visitors will see an Apache index page for that directory.
Use the MIME Types interface to configure how cPanel relays information to the browser about how to handle specific file extensions. For example, on most servers, the text/html MIME type equates to the .htm, .html, and
.shtml extensions, which causes the browser to interpret those files as HTML files.
Use the Error Pages interface to configure messages in order to inform visitors that the web server cannot access your site. For example, a visitor who enters a nonexistent URL will see a 404 error.
Use the Change Language interface to select the language in which the cPanel interface displays.
Use the User Manager interface to add, manage, and delete your subaccounts. This interface allows you to link service accounts to subaccounts, and to manage each subaccount’s access to email, FTP, and Web Disk.
This is one of the most popular questions when asking about our service. All of our servers are hosted in Canada, supported by Canadian citizens. We do not outsource any of our services or support for full control. Be assured we can satisfy your organization’s needs.