Adding an Exchange mailbox

To add a mailbox:

    1. Log on to hc9 panel.
    2. From the left menu click Hosting Services, and then Manage Exchange.
      A drop-down displays.
    3. Click Exchange Organizations.
      The Exchange Enabled Organizations page displays.
    4. Under Organization Name column, select organization and click Mailboxes.
      The Mailboxes page displays.
    5. Click Add Mailbox.
      The Add Mailbox page is displayed.
    6. Specify following information:
        • Mailbox Type: Select type of the mailbox.
        • Mailbox Name: Select name of the mailbox from the drop-down list box.
        • Password: Type password.
          • Click Generate Password to automatically generate password.
          • Click Show Characters check box to view the actual characters of the password.
      • Confirm Password: Re-type password.
    7. Specify Active Sync Settings:
      • Active Sync: Select the check box to apply Active Sync settings.
      • Select Active Sync Policy from the drop-down list box.
        ActiveSync SettingsPolicy Information and Password Settings can only be configured at host level. A reseller/webadmin can only view these settings.
        The Policy Information shows following information:
        Allow Non Provisionable Devices: It allows non provisionable devices if enabled.
        Attachments Enabled: It allows attachments for the mailbox to be added if enabled.
        Non-Provisionable Devices are those that do not support new policies/features.
        The Password Settings shows following information:
        Device Password Enabled: It allows password for the device if enabled.
        Alphanumeric Device Password Required: It allows alphanumeric password for the device if enabled.
        Password Recovery Enabled: It allows password recovery if enabled.
        Require Device Encryption: It allows encryption for the device if enabled.
        Allow Simple Password: It allows simple password for the device if enabled.
        Minimum Password Length: It is the minimum length of the password that can be set for the device.
        Max Inactivity Time Device Lock: It is the maximum time for a device to be locked in case of inactive state. On any further activity, it prompts for user name & password.
        Device Password Expiration: It is the number of days that shows expiry date for device password if any.
        Enforce Password History: It is the password history that shows number of unique passwords that are associated with a user account.


  1. Specify Advance Options.
  2. Click Configure to specify General Profile information:
    • First Name: Type first name of the mailbox owner.
    • Initials: Type initials of the mailbox owner.
    • Last Name: Type last name of the mailbox owner.
    • Display Name: Type display/screen name of the mailbox owner.
    • Office Location: Type office location of the mailbox owner.
    • Address: Type the postal address of the mailbox owner.
    • City: Type city of the mailbox owner.
    • Country: Select country of the mailbox owner from the drop-down list box.
    • State: Select state of the mailbox owner from the drop-down list box.
    • Zip Code: Type zip code.
    • Job Title: Type job title of the mailbox owner.
    • Company: Type name of the company of the mailbox owner.
    • Department: Type department name of the mailbox owner.
    • Business Phone: Type phone number of the mailbox owner.
    • Fax: Type fax number of the mailbox owner.
    • Home Phone: Type residential phone number of the mailbox owner.
    • Mobile Phone: Type cell number of the mailbox owner.
    • Web Page: Type web page address of the mailbox owner.
    • Notes: Type brief description/notes about the mailbox owner.
  3. Click Configure to specify Advance Settings:
      • Advance Features: Select options as per requirements.
        Hide From Address Book: Select to conceal the mailbox (to be added) to appear in the Address Book.
    • Protocol Settings: Select none/any one or more/all of the protocols as required.
    • Mailbox Size (MB): Type size of the mailbox to be added in MBs as required or select the Unlimited check box for indefinite size of the Mailbox.
    • Outgoing Message Size Limit: Type maximum size limit for the outgoing messages.
    • Incoming Message Size Limit: Type maximum size limit for the incoming messages.
  4. Click Add Mailbox.
    The Mailbox is added.