Free SSL Certificates
Did you just say free SSL certificates? Yes, but all SSL isn’t created equal. supports Free SSL on our cPanel, Plesk and Hosting Controller plans. The cPanel and Plesk are more automated and automatic. You’ll have an easy time installing the Free SSL from Let’s Encrypt.
Hosting Controller on the other hand will require you to create a CSR, and apply for the SSL certificates manually through SSL For You’ll need to do some manual validation through FTP, website files or DNS. But, it works.
Let’s Encrypt is a free open-source initiative to get SSL on all websites for free. Paid vs Free is always a big topic and let’s just say you get what you pay for in life.
Why are SSL certificates important?
Ugly messages. Nowadays without an SSL certificate, your site on a web browser will essentially say that the site is not secure. Quite ugly, and not the message you want to communicate to your visitors.
Trust. SSL certificates are important for secured and encrypted communications. Entering in your personal address going across the internet can be viewed easily when a site is not secure.
SEO. Search engines now almost require sites to have SSL enabled by default.
Letsencrypt VS Paid SSLs
Validation Levels
1. Domain Vaidation (DV). 2. Organization Validation (OV). 3. Extended Validation (EV). The main difference would be a more comprehensive checking process of the company/organization. Let’s Encrypt offers domain validation certificates.
Support and Warranty
Let’s Encrypt doesn’t have a support number. Everything is automatic and self serve.
Paid SSLs will have a support team to assist with certificate issues and installation. If anything were to happen badly, insurance kicks in. Each SSL company will offer different amounts of insurance ranging from $10,000 – $1,750,000.
You can’t complain for free SSL. Paid SSL providers offer certs starting as low as $25 all the way to $3000 per year.