Support: Exchange 2019 FAQ

Exchange 2016 Send As or Send on Behalf Settings

You can send email as a person or group if you have been granted Send As permissions to that specific user’s mailbox or group. You can send email on...

Exchange 2016 POP Settings

Exchange 2016 POP Settings Guide: How to Configure Secure POP with TLS Encryption on Exchange 2016. Exchange 2019 settings are at the bottom of the document. Requirements: Hosted Exchange...

Exchange 2016 IMAP Settings

How to Configure Secure IMAP with TLS Encryption on Exchange 2016. These are the Exchange 2016 IMAP Settings page. The 2019 Exchange IMAP settings are at the end of...

How to configure Outlook with Hosted Exchange 2016 and 2019

How to configure your Outlook 2013 with Exchange 2016 and 2019. Introduction: The purpose of this documentation is to provide end-users complete configuration steps in configuring Microsoft Outlook 2016...

Can you setup catch all address for Hosted Exchange mailboxes?

Simple answer is yes. But our question to you is, “Why?”. Exchange Mailboxes are meant to be setup on a per user basis. Any associated aliases should be added...