Roundcube Timezone Change
Our server might default to Pacific Standard Time (PST), but we can show you how the Roundcube Timezone Change is done. A requirement is that you are on Make...
Our server might default to Pacific Standard Time (PST), but we can show you how the Roundcube Timezone Change is done. A requirement is that you are on Make...
If one of your mailbox users want to change the password on their mailbox through Plesk, this is very easy to do. The requirements is that the option must...
You might find from a recent update that Outlook changes server names automatically without any action on your part. This has been reported in the last 2 weeks from...
There are some cPanel important links that you need when accessing critical services like webmail and cPanel. Some easy to remember links are directly set up with your domain....
The following DNS settings are needed for our Hosting Controller Web and Mail hosting. Please confirm which plan or cluster of mail services you are subscribed to. If we...
Setting up an IMAP account in our Plesk hosting plans, you’ll need to use a similar configuration, depending on the node you are on. Use the following settings according...
Symptoms In Microsoft Outlook, you may receive one of the following error messages when you try to read, send, receive, or delete an email message. Error message 1: An...
Configure POP Account in Thunderbird To manually configure an account, you will need to have the following details which can be supplied by us. Full email address and password...
Introduction The purpose of the following documentation is to provide end-users complete configuration steps in sending and receiving messages securely. Server names for incoming and outgoing are: Requirements...